New LCC Minerals Plan Process & Planning Applications

MS29 (listed on the existing Lincs Mineral & Waste Local Plan (LMWLP).

MS29 (land south of A1175 and east section of the parish) was a proposal by CEMEX as an extension to their King Street site which involved transporting excavated gravel to their existing processing plant on the North side of the A1175. They nominated the site, it went through assessments (although much of this is now in dispute) and subsequently it was allocated into the 2016/17 LMWLP - please see site allocations pages 116 – 118 Lincolnshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2017.

Cemex are now focusing on SG08 in Baston. The reason for their shift away from West Deeping remains unconfirmed.

MS29 is allocated as an extension of the current King Street quarry, with minerals being taken to a plant site north of the A1175. However, Breedon propose to quarry this with a new plant on site and with a new road access and as a stand alone quarry. Hence their nomination of SG17 for the new LMWLP (proposed to replace the MS29 allocation and be included for allocation in the new emerging LMWLP).

Breedon have also been liaising with planning officers for a huge extension to SG17 referred to as SG11. The two proposed sites covering approx 250 acres of the parish. Both SG17 and SG11 were listed in the Draft LMWLP document distributed to Consultees in 2022. However, SG11 is not in the lastest draft plan titled ‘The Preferred Approach’.

Please see attached the Freedom of Information request & response - MS 29 Freedom of information response . To be clear, MS29, while approved as a nominated site to Cemex, has never been given planning approval. Meanwhile the new draft emerging LMWLP has been subject to much challenge and scrutiny and the good news is …we are having an impact… the document in the link below states…

“The timetable for updating the plan, as set out in the Lincolnshire minerals and waste local development scheme, has been delayed. This is due to the large number of comments and site nominations that have been received. As a result, we anticipate that public consultation on the draft plan (preferred approach) will not take place until 2024”.

In West Deeping we are predominantly concerned about two new proposed sites; SG17 & SG11.

SG17 (listed in the draft eLMWLP to replace MS29 if approved for allocation)

Breedon have confirmed that they intend to apply for SG11 as an extension of SG17 but at this point have not confirmed any details regarding timings or where the processing plant will be located at that stage. Planning application approval for extensions are easier to secure and usually subject to the conditions agreed for the main site. Therefore, it is critical that mitigations for any approved satellite site are as robust as necessary to protect receptors.

Below is a link to the proposal within the Lincolnshire Minerals & Waste Local plan for SG11, please see page 24. 

Updating of the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2022 

(This link is via a google drive not the LCC website, this document was never distributed publicly)

Sites will be selected based on LCC’s Proposed site selection methodology for updating the plan.

LCC Site Selection Methodology 

Monitoring Mineral Site Applications - West Deeping

SG17 Application

The Breedon planning application is is expected by the autumn. This has been delayed significantly, by approximately a year, largely because of the public reaction. New dates were detailed during the Public Exhibition and the expected timeline is now

The below maps were supplied by Breedon at the Webinar on the 4th of June and later that month at the public exhibition on the 10th of June. Breedon have confirmed their preferred option is to place the processing plant and ancillary buildings etc next to the village.

Below is the anticipated timeline for SG17.

  • 10th of June 2024 - Public Exhibition held by Breedon                

  • July / August 2024 - SG17 Planning Application Submitted by Breedon to LCC    

  • Nov 2024 - Earliest Date of validation by LCC - Approx. 16 weeks after submission

    (This date is subject to all documentation being made available to LCC by Breedon and that sufficient resources are available at LCC)

  • Dec 2024 - Consultation commences 

    (There should be a further Public Consultation following validation by LC. The 10th June 2024 was a Public Exhibition, not a Public Consultation. The Webinar on the 5th June 2024 was a community consultation. However once the final application has been submitted a full consultation is required).

  • Jan 2025 - End of 21 day consultation

  • Summer 2025 - Decision expected by LCC (Breedon’s date)

  • Summer 2026 - If approved, work commences on SG17 (Breedon’s date)

  • 2034 - If approved, quarrying at SG17 completes according to the proposal. However, we know from experience these timelines are often extended.

  • 2036 - If approved, restoration at SG17 completes according to the proposal. However, we know from experience these timelines are often extended.

PL/0129/22 & PL/0130/22

Links to planning applications PL/0129/22 application PL/0130/22 application

These applications have now been approved and they extend the life of the quarry to the north of the A1175, we presume to ensure Breedon have continuity of quarrying in West Deeping. This approval sets an extremely dangerous precedent that land within 25 metres of a residential dwelling can be quarried, this raises key concerns.

Owing to the number of objections for these planning application there was a 9 month delay in the original timeline.The number of objections ensured it was reviewed by the planning committee not just the planning officers. The application required a site visit by the planning committee after which approval was granted on the 7th of November 2023. It was approved but not unanimously. Glenn Fuller & Graham Magee both represented the village at the committee meetings where these applications were discussed.

While this is not a win for West Deeping we have succeeded in raising the profile of continued quarrying in West Deeping.


Link to planning application - PL/0026/22

This application has been approved on the 26th January 2023, only one villager was consulted. This brings quarrying within 30m of houses within the village. We are considering how we can impact this planning application as we do not believe it was consulted or considered effectively. The planning application notice was posted on the gate of the entrance to the West Deeping quarry and added to the planning portal only, we consider this to be inadequate.


Link to planning application - PL/0083/23

this application has been approved. A small field to the North of the A1175 which further extends the life of quarrying in West Deeping and the cumulative impact on the village. Objections were lodged and the application has been delegated to the LCC planning committee meaning it was not a simple decision for the planning officer to decide but the entire committee of councillors reviewed it and again considered the cumulative impact of 70 years of quarrying on the village. A member of the Protect West Deeping Committee represented the village at the planning committee meeting.

Other applications

Other the years there have been numerous applications for quarrying in West Deeping. All of these applications have been considered as independent issues and the cumulative impact on traffic, pollution and noise on the village has not been considered. Please see below a list of applications since 1989 although please remember there were many applications before this as we have had quarrying in the parish since the 1950’s. If you look through these applications you will see that quarry extension and creep are prevalent. Not just for quarrying applications but also for all of the ancillary facilities that are required.


Granted - 13/09/2022 


Granted - 04/07/2022 


Granted - 04/07/2022


Granted - 04/07/2022


Granted - 10/12/2020


Granted - 24/11/2020


Granted - 31/01/2020 


Granted - 07/10/2019 


Granted - 07/10/2019


Granted - 30/08/2019


Granted - 14/05/2018


Granted - 08/08/2017 


Granted - 03/04/2017


Granted - 19/08/2016


Granted - 19/08/2016


Granted - 20/01/2016


Granted - 16/11/2015


Granted - 16/02/2010


Granted - 12/09/2007


Granted - 01/11/2001


Granted - 01/11/2001


Granted - 05/07/2001


Granted - 07/12/2000


Granted - 26/10/2000


Granted - 13/03/1998


Granted - 24/10/1997


Granted - 19/11/1996


Granted - 25/01/1996


Granted - 06/12/1995


Granted - 04/04/1995


Granted - 06/10/1994


Granted - 05/06/1992