When will Lincs County Council finally say “Enough”, only when the entire Parish is destroyed?

Our landscape has been ravaged by decades of quarrying – and it’s not stopping! Over half the Parish has already been excavated, and now, they want to dig even closer to our homes. For 70 years, this destruction has continued, and we’re told to trust ‘first-stage plans.’ But history shows these projects always expand. More sites, more infrastructure, industrial processes, and plant expansions follow, with the cumulative impact completely ignored! This isn’t just affecting our community – it’s happening across the country. The cost to our health and environment is too high. It’s time to stand up, challenge the destruction, and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – we've already lost too much!


Decades of quarrying have already scarred our parish—half of it quarried, another quarter now under threat. For 70 years, we've endured relentless noise, dust, and destruction of prime farmland and nature. Poor restoration efforts have left behind degraded landscapes, while local leaders justify continued expansion, ignoring the long-term environmental and health impacts. How much more should our community sacrifice? Watch as decision-makers push for more quarrying, dismissing the real cost to residents and our local environment AND dismissing CUMULATIVE IMPACT!


30th July - 24th Sept 5pm 2024

Our chance to feedback

LCC MINERAL & WASTE LOCAL PLAN - The Consultation has now opened, it runs for 8 weeks so there is time to assimilate the information. We will be studying all relevant documents and providing suggestions on key areas in include with your feedback, especially those we know are included in the LMWLP criteria scoring process and where planning guidance and legislation are relevant.


July 2024


LCC MINERAL & WASTE LOCAL PLAN - BREEDON APPLICATION: Much of the language and processes around these two developments are alien to most of us. Understandably we've received so many questions Those questions help us know what we need to highlight, so thank you. Most of us are learning this as we go along and that's why we think it's important to share and be as inclusive as we can to help strengthen our community voice in fighting this.

Having the two developments almost running concurrently makes it even harder to understand what needs to be done and when to address each development. Hopefully the video, giving a high level summary, will help answer your questions and help make some sense of it all. Thank you for watching The PWD Team


July 16th 2024

Approved for Consultation - 8 weeks commencing end July

The LCC Executive has approved the eLMWLP, which includes SG17 for the next stage, public consultation. Planning Officers assured the committee that all checks and balances on the site were completed and approved by the Secretary of State during the last LMWLP (they mean MS29 not SG17- insist on referring to it as the same site). However, we believe that these checks were not entirely accurate. Also SG17 a totally different beast, presents significant operational differences, should not be considered an approved site. It is not an extension; it includes a new access point, a processing plan with ancillary infrastructure, and does not involve agricultural land restoration, not to mention the elevated threat to water sources.

The plan will go to public consultation at the end of July, running for 8 weeks through to September. If SG17 is allocated, it will be more challenging to oppose a planning application, making the proposed SG11 extension more likely. Therefore, it is critical that we submit our objections to the plan once the consultation begins. Your participation is essential to protect our community.

July 9th 2024


Breedon Rattled! A Multi million pound company complains because our Parish was given a voice, following an application to speak...... Just wow! True colours shown! Thank you to Cllr Ashley Baxter and Cllr Phil Dilks for your support on the day.


July 10th 2024

'David and Goliath'

Ms Cotton questioned why West Deeping Parish Council had been allowed to speak about the proposal at a previous meeting of the committee on 28 May, to which Breedon had not been invited.

She said the parish council had "a clear objective of trying to persuade the committee to recommend the removal of [the] preferred site", and this was "procedurally unfair and potentially unlawful".

However, Councillor Ashley Baxter, the leader of South Kesteven District Council, said her comments were "like Goliath complaining about David having a sling".


July 9th 2024


Item 5

The emerging Lincolnshire & Waste Local Plan (eLMWLP) will be considered by the Executive following this meeting. Our Parish Council, represented by Chair Mr Glenn Fuller, highlighted concerns both on the process to date and the potential impact on the environment and the community. Cllrs Ashley Baxter and Phil Dilks also supported the community with their representations. Other councillors asked helpful questions but ultimately the Draft plan was recommended for forwarding to the Executive for their final Consideration before public consultation stage. Interestingly, Breedon complained and questioned the legality of allowing the Parish Council to speak at previous meetings, but their complaint was deemed to be unsound.

7.44 Chair - Cllr Ian Carrington - Context of Decision Making Role of Scrutiny Committee re eLMWLP

15:55 LCC head of Planning - Neil McBride

19:33 Glenn Fuller (WD Parish Chairman)

24:16 Maria Cotton - Breedon

30:50 Cllr Ashley Baxter -

34:43 Cllr Phil Dilks

47:56 Cllr Ian Fleetwood - Proposal

51:23 Cllr Andrew Hagues (SG17 different to MS29)

1:04:20 Cllr Ian Carrington - Vote & Summing up


June 2024


The webinar and exhibition were available by pre-booking only. Attendees had to provide their name, address, and email, and present their name to enter on June 10th. With limited places in each of the five slots, it was difficult for friends and neighbours to attend together. Only one slot (6 PM) was available after working hours. Many questions raised verbally during the event were left unanswered, with the understanding they would be addressed later.

The Protect West Deeping Team submitted a range questions that were raised on the day by various residents, some of which have since been added to the Breedon document. However, many residents sent responses via the email address provided on Breedon’s website, covering a range of concerns. These concerns are not referenced on the Breedon Exhibition portal, only 'questions'.


June 13th 2024

Time to reflect: Residents gathered to discuss recent quarry developments, including Breedon’s exhibition. Context and next steps were discussed. Great to see the support and determination to fight this!


June 10th 2024

Today, our community demonstrated incredible strength and unity. Our collective voice resonated with a powerful message: Enough is enough!

How much more of our parish must be sacrificed before our councillors ensure correct due diligence, protecting our Quality of Life? We stand united in our fight to protect our quality of life.

Communities nationwide rely on their governing bodies to ensure safe, healthy environments. This responsibility falls heavily on county and district councillors, along with their planning departments. Their challenge is to balance essential mineral targets with the need to avoid adverse health and environmental impacts.

The national planning framework requires cumulative protections on communities. After 70 years of local quarrying, and relentless negative impacts, we believe these criteria have been exceeded, and further quarrying, taking yet more of our Parish for years to come, is no longer acceptable. It’s time to put an end to it. Enough is enough!

Posters and banners left no doubt as to the strength of feeling!

Photos: Paul Bragg


June 10th 2024

Breedon refer to this stage as consultation. However, it didn’t feel like that. Many questions unanswered for worse still, contradictory answers given depending on which Breedon staff member you asked. Even the experts were not able to answer all questions in their field, or were at least, not permitted to.

Time slots needed to be booked in advance, giving name address and email. Not typical of how other mineral operators work. Theirs a more informal, pop-in approach with no limit on numbers. Chris Burgess did promise to have a full set of submitted questions sent to our Parish Chairman, 10 days from the event. We eagerly await, followed by compressive answers at the next stage.


June 5th 2024

Planning Officers insists SG17 should remain in the Draft Lincs Minerals & Waste Plan (effectively increasing the odds that SG17 planning applications are approved).

Their reason for not removing SG17 from the draft (despite the assessment evidence not being public at this time) is the threat of legal challenge from Mineral Operators.

Planning Officers cite ‘threat of legal action’ as reason NOT to remove SG17 from Draft Plan.. but “no formal agreement..”!

Like many others, the response lacked clarity and transparency.

However, five days later at the pre-booked exhibition, Chris Burgess (Reg Mgr - Breedon) reluctantly confirmed that Breedon fully intends to mine SG11 after SG17. Whether these activities will be concurrent, overlapping, or sequential remains uncertain.

It is worth noting that, the LCC planning process appears to only assess one site at a time. This, despite legal guidance otherwise, seems to be the standard procedure followed by Planning Officers, at LCC, shaping the strong advice they give to Councillors on the relevant committees.



4th June 2024

In 2017 MS29-SL was allocated, the committee confirm with little objection. There are questions re the original assessment, but that’s a separate battle. SG17 is being presented as the ‘same in terms of impacts with the exception of plant and access’ They state Tthe impacts have been considered, yet the evidence is not available. Report from the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee, Cllr. Ian Carrington, to the Executive:

Cllr Carrington gave a summary of the Scrutiny Committee’s decision not to recommend to the Executive that the 'Draft Approach Plan - LMWLP' be approved for circulation, put through to the next stage until all supporting documentation is made available, thus allowing Cllrs to make an informed decison. In conclusion, the Executive supported this decision. We await the next round of committee meetings to see the full evidence.

30:49 Cllr Carrington report from the Scrutiny Committee re ‘Draft Approach LMWLP

46:01 Cllr Woolley Is the plant site a big material difference?

48:47 Cllr Hill (Leader) Asked Officers - Do the legal implications of deallocation still apply with SG17 (potential plants)?


MAY 28th


The new plan is not scheduled to be finalised until 2026 but will include allocated sites identified for mineral extraction across the county. Best efforts are being made to highlight the oversights of assessment regarding SG17. The Environment & Economic Scrutiny Committee met to review the draft plan and recommend its progression to the executive committee prior to public consultation. However, powerful and pertinent questions were raised with regard to the lack of transparency of the process. Concerns regarding the ongoing impact and cumulative impact on the West Deeping Community and listed buildings were also highlighted. Credit where credit is due, councillors listened and several raised concerns about the issues highlighted. As a result the following outcome was agreed

Following consideration and debate the committee advises the Executive we do not support the recommendations as they currently stand. We therefore recommend the Executive defers its decision until further reports are available. All comments and submissions of today should be made available and passed on to the Executive. We recommend the Executive is as thoroughly informed as it can be when it comes to making a decision on this matter”

Click below to see video clips

11.15 Implication re FOOD SECURITY and new Government Guidance on Best & Most Versatile Agricultural land


29.19 Glenn Fuller (WD Parish Chairman)

41:00 Cllr Ashley Baxter

59:20 Cllr Kelham Cooke - We don’t have the full details, when will we have them?

1:21:06 Chairman Cllr Carrrington - Summing up

Breedon’s Booking System for Public Consultation

Webinar 5th June, Exhibition 10th June

A summary of all your responses will be collated by Breedon. They will present findings to the planning committee when submitting the application. However, first they will likely suggest mitigations and most certainly strive to weaken your concerns or objections, at the very least make great efforts to undermine our arguments against the quarry.

We will shortly circulate guidance on how to best put our points across with the aim of protecting our community and environment.

If anyone would like further info please do not hesitate to contact us @

LCC Faces Potentially Costly Lawsuit Over Proposed Allocation of Mineral Site SG17

In a controversial move, LCC is proposing to allocate a new opencast mine (SG17) adjacent to the picturesque village of West Deeping, its conservation area, the River Welland, and the Grade II* listed heritage site, Molecey Mill & The Granary.

Among the seven proposed sites in South Lincolnshire, SG17 is the least attractive and most constrained, posing the greatest risk to residents, the landscape, and heritage assets. This decision raises serious questions about the transparency and integrity of the minerals and waste team's decision-making process.

Historically operating without adequate oversight, the Minerals and Waste team is again under scrutiny for their impartiality due to their close ties with major mining companies. Their proposal for SG17 appears to disregard LCC's own policies, suggesting a failure in internal accountability.

The proposed 30-40 year open-cast mine is immediately adjacent to the Grade II* listed Molecey Mill & The Granary, violating LCC’s level 1 constraints for site selection, and should have been excluded early in the process. Additionally, extensive level 2 constraints should also prevent this site from being chosen.

West Deeping has endured mining activities nearby for over 70 years. The new proposal would bring these operations even closer to residents' homes and gardens for another 40 years.

When contacted, the Minerals and Waste team at LCC declined to comment.

Residents of Lincolnshire now depend on their elected councillors to reject the allocation of this mining site and to bring their out-of-control minerals officers to account. While West Deeping is currently at risk, future targets could include other homes and gardens across the county.

Glenn Fuller, Director

West Deeping Parish Council Response to Preferred Approach Draft

21st May 2024

LCC Mineral & Waste Local Plan: Preferred Approach

LCC Scrutiny Committee May 28th 2024

LCC produce A Draft Approach (in preparing for the New Minerals & Waste Local Plan) to be reviewed at the Scrutiny Committee before being presented to the Executive on 4th June. The document includes proposed Site SG17 but excludes any technical detail regarding the site, no mention of where the plant will be located or any other details. The plan also makes it clear there will be a further round of ‘call to sites’ and opportunities for landowners to propose additional sites so SG11 could indeed yet be added prior to the new plan finally being adopted in 2026 (current schedule).

(page 23) 1.25 Local communities, stakeholders and other interested parties will be invited to make comments on the proposed policies and preferred sites set out in the Preferred Approach consultation document and, if appropriate, put forward alternative solutions, wording or allocations. A further call for sites exercise will also be carried out to allow landowners and other interested parties a further opportunity to nominate potential sites for allocation in the new LMWLP, or to provide further information in support of previously nominated sites.

The document includes the current schedule (although this may be subject to change).

The key target milestones for the preparation of the LMWLP Update are:

• Consultation on an Issues and Options document, including a call for sites exercise under Regulation 18 (completed Summer 2022) Page 18

• Consultation on a Preferred Approach (Draft) of the new LMWLP also under Regulation 18 (Summer 2024)

• Publication of the Proposed Submission version of the new LMWLP under Regulation 19 (Spring 2025)

• Submission to the Secretary of State (Summer 2025)

• Examination Hearing (Winter 2025 / 2026)

• Adoption (Winter 2026)

Lincolnshire County Council Scoping Opinion Published

Scoping Opinion - new replacement site

February 2024

Following submissions from invited Consultees LCC produce their scoping opinion. The report and all associated documentation (including plans) can be viewed at Lincolnshire County Council Planning portal link here. Application expected June, after community engagement in May.


PWD Lobby Support from

Market Deeping Town Council

February 2024

The team delivers a presentation to MDTC councillors, offering an overview of concerns, negative impacts, and the historical context of quarrying in and around the Parish over the past 70 years. The councillors unanimously express their support. Subsequently, MDTC submits their response to Planning, emphasising considerations for the Environmental Impact Assessment, with a specific focus on various concerns, all aimed at safeguarding the community of West Deeping.

Breedon Submit Scoping Request for Proposed Mineral Site in West Deeping (EIA/15/23)

February 2024

South Kesteven District Council post details on their planning portal (S24/0139) . Statutory Consultees are invited to respond by Lincolnshire County Council, including West Deeping Parish Council and SKDC. At this stage details are not yet posted on the LCC planning portal site, so no visibility regarding full list of statutory Consultees. The deadline for responses 14th Feb. So time of the essence. PWD members work to support the response. It can be viewed @ West Deeping Parish Council.

See site plan documents on our Proposal page

West Deeping Quarry Extension

February 12th -LCC Planning & Regulation Committee (PL/008/23)

This field, like others not originally in the allocation for extraction. Justification included: once the mineral site is there, together with the necessary infrastructure, it would be illogical not to extract and leaving the field unquarried would result in ‘sterilisation’ of the site. Sterilisation of aggregate material (unlikely future accessibility/extraction) is a key reason frequently given to justify approval. Cumulative Impact was not considered relevant.

Click below to see video clips

21:40 Introduction of West Deeping Quarry Extension Application by Marc Willis (Planning Officer)

30:24 Public Objection (Graham Magee)

35:22 Cemex Representative

41:00 Cllr Ashley Baxter

56:40 Chairman Cllr Ian Fleetwood denies any further speakers before the vote is taken

Website Progressing

The PWD Team continue to research and content and design the website. The site will offer a platform to promote the campaign, provide comprehensive information regarding the proposed quarry sites. Key areas will include:

  • Our Mission

  • What’s at Stake

  • The Proposal(s)

  • News

  • How to Support the Campaign

  • How to object

Otters In The River at Risk

Dec 2023 - filmed along our public ROW

Thank you to Frazer @The Red Lion for sending this video through. Our remaining unquarried landscape provides habitat for a range of protected species and it’s crucial we ensure they are protected. Planning must comply with a range of legislation and guidelines to ensure such habitat is protected. If you have any additional evidence of protected species, or those under conservation concern please do let us know. Thank you. Read more

Breedon Application

Stand-off reduction

November 2023

PWD raised publicised concerns around the potential precedent of Narrow stand-off distances to residential properties and lack of protection regarding listed buildings. An appeal to submit objections was circulated. Residents submitted objections to stand-offs being reduced to only 25M from residencies, quorum target of 10 necessitated the application went to committee. Submissions and PWD participation helped ensure Councillors visited the quarry site. Representation highlighted cumulative impact, threat to listed buildings and other key material considerations. However, the application eventually passed. Viewing the public discussion, it is clearly apparent that Councillors will definitely benefit from more focus relating to guidelines and frameworks in place to protect receptors, including public health, historical assets and the environment We will continue to campaign to highlight legal obligations incumbent upon LCC and its Councillors.

Click below to see video clips

25:31 West Deeping Speakers

Facebook Page Created

May 2023

PWD Group launch facebook page in readiness for campaign to Protect West Deeping and the environment.

May 2023 the Campaign Facebook page is launched. Please follow @

This page will become more active as the campaign builds.

Protect West Deeping Group Formed

April 2023 - May 2023

The formation of a campaign group evolved, residents passionate about protecting the community and environment against proposed sites declared by Breedon at the public meeting. We are focused on helping to amplify the voice of the community. Helping to coordinate a collective effort. We continue to meet: developing strategies; research legislation; case studies, and intent to launch a ‘Protect West Deeping’ Campaign when the time is right.

Residents Voice Concerns

March 2023 - West Deeping Village Hall

Breedon invite residents to learn about their proposed sites. However, few questions are answered with specifics and residents are left with more questions than answers, and with more concerns. Residents are further alarmed by Breedon’s ‘like it or lump it’ style of communication.

Overview of Proposed Sites

Nov 2022 - West Deeping Village Hall

Attended by over 100 local residents. Alarm raised over proximity, scale and proposed new location of intrusive plant site. Community shocked at potential impact.


Sadly there was little awareness of this development. Only one neighbour in the village received notification. Most residents unaware and, therefore, little scrutiny or objection. The site is only 60m from the nearest residency. Sadly as seen in video below, this is even seen as a laughing matter!

July 22

SHOCKING Planning Cllr attitudes towards quarrying at West Deeping